Categories: Meals, Vegetables Samos - Style Tomatoes and Eggs INGREDIENTS: (2-3 servings) 4 large ripe tomatoes, grated 2 cloves garlic, grated 4 tbsps olive oil 4 large eggs, lightly-beaten Salt Pepper 1 tsp sugar ½ tsp cumin, ground 100g feta, crumbled 1 medium onion, sliced ½ cup parsley leaves INSTRUCTIONS: Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Add the tomatoes, garlic, sugar, cumin, salt and pepper. Stir together and allow to cook for a few minutes, until the tomato juices evaporate. Add the eggs and continue cooking for 5 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the eggs solidify and dry up. Remove the frying pan from the burner. Add the feta cheese and stir. Serve with onion, parsley leaves and extra olive oil. Pork Fricassee Lamb stuffed with graviera, wrapped in vine leaves and in a grape sauce Print 10277 Rate this article: 5.0