Categories: Meals, Meat Asia Minor - Style Soutzoukakia INGREDIENTS: (for 4 servings) For the soutzoukakia: 500g minced lamb meat 3 cloves garlic, grated ½ tsp cumin 1 tsp dried oregano ½ bunch parsley, finely-chopped 4 tbsps olive oil, plus ½ cup for the frying 2 eggs 3 slices of bread soaked in milk and then squeezed well Salt Pepper For the sauce: 5 tomatoes, grated 1 tsp sugar 4 sprigs basil Salt Pepper 1 cinnamon stick 1½ cup water INSTRUCTIONS: For the soutzoukakia: Put all of the ingredients into a bowl. Mix well, then form elongated croquettes from the mixture. Heat up the ½ cup olive oil in a shallow pot. Slowly put the croquettes into the pot, and sauté them. Quench with the tomato. Add the rest of the sauce ingredients. Reduce the heat and allow to cook for about 30 minutes, until the soutzoukakia are ready and the sauce has thickened. Serve with mashed potato, rice or chips (French fries). Saddled Seabream with Tziladia Sauce Married Sardines Print 9986 Rate this article: 5.0